The cost of making a website through WordPress will depend on many different factors. But is the price you’re being offered correct? Why is it so cheap? Or, why is it so expensive? In this article I will explain the various factors and what they mean. At the end of the article I will give you some specific prices in euros for various examples of websites made with WordPress.
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Factors that will affect the price of a website made with WordPress
It will depend on the following factors:
- Whether it is a custom design (Recommended)
- Whether it is a ready-made design (Templates)
- Whether your corporate identity is included (Recommended)
- Whether visual layout designers are used
- Whether personalized coding is used instead of layout designers (Recommended)
- Number of pages included
- Number and complexity of functions
- Ready-to-use plugins
- Personalized plugins (Recommended)
- Whether there is an online store
- Whether there is subscription
- Whether it is multilingual
- Whether the content is included
- Whether the hosting and the domain are included
- Whether a guarantee is offered
- Whether basic WordPress training is included
- Whether basic SEO is included for the launch (Recommended)
- Whether SEO optimization and analysis is included (Recommended)
- Whether WordPress maintenance is included(Recommended)
Below I will go into more detail about each of these points so you know what you should look for when receiving a quote for a WordPress website.
Factors to take into account
The most important thing to remember is that you won’t get anything for free in this life. But often prices may appear to be way too low. And the challenge is knowing when the price is realistic or not. Another thing to bear in mind is whether to hire the same company for all the services. Giving all the work for the entire project to the same company will obviously lead to a much lower overall price.
Keep reading and you’ll learn about each point so you can understand when a price makes sense, when it doesn’t make sense, and why.
1. Custom and ready-made design
1. Custom and ready-made design
On WordPress you’ll find a wide range of ready-made themes and templates for every kind of business you can imagine. These templates enable you to create a website at a very reasonable price and with a fairly professional design. But there are also negative aspects to these designs. Below I’ve included some points worth considering:
- A ready-made design will not be very polished in terms of its responsiveness. This means that it won’t be fully adaptable to all devices and sizes.
- You should bear in mind that you won’t have a unique website, it will just be a copy.
- The design is made for a specific amount of text and number of images. If you change the number of elements it is highly likely that the design will fail.
- Anyone can study the coding and find weaknesses. This is a risk to your website’s security.
On the other hand, it is true that custom designs are a slower process and the price will be higher. But they do offer a significant number of advantages:
- They provide you with a unique design that is adapted to your project’s personality.
- The design will be adaptable to all devices.
- They will really help to make your brand image more memorable.
- They offer increased security.
But, of course, to be able to customize a website in WordPress you will need to be an advanced user.
2. Corporate identity included or produced externally
Having your corporate image produced by the same team will increase the price slightly, but it will also mean that the overall appearance of your project will be more consistent and professional. If you decide to have your corporate identity produced by a separate company, it is a better idea to start the website after your corporate identity has been fully developed, so the website can be designed in line with it.
If you only include the logo, depending on the number of modifications and the quality and reputation of the designer or company, you might find a price upwards of around €120.
3. Use of visual layout designers or custom coding
Visual layout designers are very popular WordPress plugins that help you to create websites in an easy and intuitive way, and will also make the overall price cheaper. This is great, but as with everything in life, there are also downsides. Visual layout designers will have a direct impact on the loading speed of your website and the user experience. They will also indirectly influence your Google positioning. If you’d like to know more about these plugins, I recommend reading this article about the best visual layout designers for WordPress.
There is another type of WordPress design that offers a wide range of benefits: a custom WordPress design. This type of design will allow you to keep the WordPress control panel (which will simplify the website management process), ensure compatibility with all plugins and achieve much better performance than with templates and layout designers. This is because it is created with coding customized specifically for your design and only the functions that are strictly necessary for your project.
Although in the short term it might be more cost-effective to produce a website using layout designers (or templates), in the long term you will save more money using personalized coding, as you’ll avoid paying monthly or annual subscriptions for templates or plugins.
4. Number of pages included
The number of pages is a factor to bear in mind when it comes to the price. There isn’t too much to say on this point: the more pages, the more design work, the more functions, the more time involved and, obviously, the higher the price.
5. Number and complexity of required functions
As with the previous point, the more functions included and the greater their complexity, the higher the price. With this in mind, I’d recommend having a clear idea of all the functions you need before obtaining a quote. If not, it’s highly likely that the price will go up significantly each time you add a new function.
6. Ready-made plugins or plugins developed for WordPress
Plugins in WordPress are extensions that provide a simpler way to add new functions. Despite their convenience, plugins can end up being very dangerous. It is for this reason that, wherever possible, I would recommend adding these functions via coding developed by WordPress experts, such as WebHeroe. It is true that personalized design is slower and more expensive, but in the long run the extra cost will be worth it.
7. Online store
If your project includes online payments, whether they be for physical or digital products, you will need to create a payment gateway via card, PayPal or Stripe. There is a very popular WordPress plugin called Woocommerce, which is used by a lot of different online stores on WordPress. Although obviously it’s important to remember that every project is different, so there are many other options available other than Woocommerce. What I suggest is that you speak with an experienced developer so they can tell you which is the best alternative and why.
Of course, the price of an online store will depend greatly on the number of extra functions. The more functions, the higher the price. Remember that I’ll be showing you examples of websites made in WordPress and their prices at the end of the article.
8. Subscriptions on WordPress
A subscription is the ability to create members via registration. This involves the creation of numerous required functions, such as a registration and login form, the ability to change passwords and profiles, personal areas, etc. Depending on the project, it may also include recent orders, invoice downloads, history, etc.
There are many plugins available that allow you to add this function in a simple way, some of which incur a cost while others are free. But, as I mentioned above, it’s always better to create personalized functions using coding, as this will prevent excessive loading and unnecessary risk.
In one way or another, adding a subscription option will incur more work, which will also lead to an increased cost.
9. How many languages are required for your WordPress website
If you want to target various segments that speak different languages, you will have no choice but to make your website multilingual. There are several plugins that can help with this, with one of the most well known being WPML. You can find solutions starting at $39 (+-€35) per year with this plugin, plus the implementation cost.
10. Is the content (text) included in the quote?
When developing a website in WordPress you have 3 options:
- Develop a website with pre-written text:
The best thing about this is that it will be much faster and cheaper, but you may have issues when positioning the final text, because the design won’t be fully adapted to it. - Develop a website with text provided for it:
A great option, because it will fit exactly as you want it to. But you should also bear in mind that the development time, price and workload will increase. - Develop the website using specialist writers:
This is arguably the best option. You’ll need to take into account that you’ll be dealing with professionals, so you’ll have to give them room to do what they do best. The price will also be higher, but you will obtain the highest quality of the 3 options.
11. Is the domain and hosting included in the price?
The domain and hosting are two essential elements for creating your own website. The quality of a hosting service is a key factor when it comes to the growth and positioning of your project. That is why you should put a lot of thought into it. Today you can find high-quality hosting services at prices ranging from €50 to €200 per year, depending on various different technical aspects.
Many WordPress development companies, such as Webheroe, offer solutions that include maintenance, hosting and the domain for an annual rate.
12. What guarantees are on offer?
Before accepting any project, ask about the guarantee. Many companies offer no kind of guarantee whatsoever, so if you encounter any problems after the launch that are due to the original design, they will take no responsibility. As an example, Webheroe offers a 3-month guarantee for errors related to the original website design.
Although this is not a factor that directly affects the price of a website made with WordPress, it does say a lot about the professionalism of the company managing it.
13. Will they train you to manage your website in WordPress?
If you’ve never touched a website control panel in WordPress before, it’s normal to be unsure about whether you’ll be able to use it correctly. But believe me, the learning curve for WordPress is one of the shallowest (if not the shallowest) you can imagine. Many companies (such as Webheroe) will provide a personalized tutorial video for each project to explain all the details to bear in mind for that specific website.
As with the previous point, it’s not a factor that will directly affect the quote, but it is extra work for the company and a considerable benefit for the customer.
14. Will the final website be optimized for search engine positioning (SEO)?
SEO involves optimizing the website to improve its positioning in search engines. Some people believe that SEO doesn’t begin until after the development stage, but that is not true. SEO encompasses many factors that should be considered when developing a website.
- Loading speed:
Whether you’re using layout designers or not, whether the site is created using coding or a template, whether you’re using a lot of third-party plugins, image optimization, excessive CSS coding, excessive JavaScript coding, etc. - Internal links:
By optimizing internal links, you can see which pages are more popular and which keywords tend to achieve better positioning. - Creation of Schema:
This is non-visible coding that specifies certain details that allow search engines to better understand your website. - Use of HTML tags in the structure:
It’s important to understand how to organize the HTML structure of a website to highlight certain keywords, but always in a logical way. - Alt text in images:
A meta tag that adds information about the content of images. - And the list goes on…
The important thing is that they provide guarantees that they know how to carry out this kind of work and that they can demonstrate it, with a portfolio containing websites well positioned in Google, for example. The price will depend on the quality of the work.
15. Will SEO analysis, optimization and maintenance be included for a period of time?
It’s also likely that you’ll want to include an SEO analysis, optimization and maintenance package in the quote. If this is provided by the same company that developed your website, part of the work will already be done, as they will know your site in and out, along with its strengths and weaknesses. This will help to lower the price of the package. It’s impossible to give specific pricing for an SEO package as it will depend on many different factors related to the website project and the company you’re dealing with. But you can find it at prices ranging from €100 per month (at the cheaper end), all the way up to the highest you can imagine.
16. Will your website be maintained for a period of time?
WordPress website maintenance is something that is often not given much importance, despite how much risk is involved. WordPress updates can end up causing a lot of damage and pose risks that may even shut down your website entirely, with no way to recover it. So now you’re wondering if that will happen to you. Well, most likely not, but the risk remains. To maintain your WordPress website correctly, you should have a backup plan, an update plan and a log of changes, which will enable you to fix errors and find them in time. Of course, to do this properly you’ll need to have some experience related to coding and servers, in case you need to provide an emergency solution.
Specific spanish pricing for producing a website with WordPress (several examples)
Here I’ll give you some examples of specific pricing for various types of websites produced with WordPress. All the examples will include technical optimization for SEO, a 3-month guarantee, a personalized video tutorial and various basic pages (Home, About Us, Contact, 2 Legal Pages):
- WordPress price with everything on one page:
- With ready-made design and visual layout designer: From €150
- With personalized design and coding: From €280
- Price for online store in WordPress with 5 categories, 50 products, a blog section and a subscription option:
- With ready-made design and visual layout designer: From €500
- With personalized design and coding: From €750
- Corporate website price in WordPress with 10 informative pages and 3 languages:
- With ready-made design and visual layout designer: From €700
- With personalized design and coding: From €1200
- WordPress website price for Amazon affiliate marketing:
- With ready-made design and visual layout designer: From €300
- With personalized design and coding: From €700
- Price for basic blog in WordPress:
- With ready-made design and visual layout designer: From €200
- With personalized design and coding: From €450
*Depending on the type of project, you may need to use plugins, and others may incur additional costs. If it’s a personalized website, you’ll need to include work for certain functions.
- Logo design: From €120
- Development of custom plugin: From €100 (depending on the complexity)
- Hosting and domain: From €80 per year
- Writing a 2000-word article: From €75
- SEO analysis, optimization and maintenance: From €100 per month
- Website technical maintenance: From €40 per month
All the above prices have been estimated based on the assumption that the website delivered is of decent/good quality. You should be suspicious of any prices lower than this, and higher prices should require an explanation. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries or need a quote, with no commitment.
Conclusions regarding the price of a website made with WordPress
It’s understandable that you’d want to save as much money as possible and avoid spending too much. But you should take into account the quality you’re looking to achieve when launching your project. I would always recommend a fully personalized website. Of course, when using a CMS like WordPress, you will have a very simple control panel that will enable you to manage your website without needing to depend on an external developer. Below are just some of the benefits of a custom WordPress website:
- Avoid monthly or annual charges for plugins and templates
- Improve user experience.
- Improve responsive design (adaptable)
- Improve on-page SEO
- Improve loading speed
- Improve coding quality
If you’re looking for a specific price for your project, you can write us and we will give you a quote with no commitment whatsoever.